Выращиваем - огурцы

Growing Cucumbers

The cucumbers are delicious and useful vegetables. In addition, this culture may well be cultivated in domestic settings.

Best cucumbers of the house

Before cultivating the house, the varieties and hybrids must be literate. The most appropriate are Masha hybrids, Claudia F1, Bianca and Marinda F1. They're all selfish. They don't have male flowers. There's only a woman's type of flower. These hybrids are good yields and arrogance. The fruit is delicious and the size ranges from 15 to 25 cm.

Household cucumber growers use the " Columnate Fish " class. It is well adapted to room conditions and has high taste.

If crops are held early in December, the fruit will be rushed towards the end of February. seeds should be planted no later than the first February in order to obtain the first fruit by the end of March.

If all conditions are created for the cucumber, it can produce three, four dozen fruits. Vegetables must be collected in a timely manner. You don't have to keep the plant near the curtain window or the hot battery. Better position is windows south and east. The lighting needs from 6 to 12 hours. So for comfort. winter cucumbers Additional lighting is required.

Use either nutrient or soil. The post is the most accessible way. A mixture of woodland and overburden must be made from the fall. Either equal proportions or three parts to one. Two glasses of wooden ash are added for one bucket, 5-6 grams of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers and 20-60 grams of news. Everything's finely mixed up and placed in polyethylene bags. The post must be breathing.

A minimum diameter of 10 centimetres shall be a diameter for the mounting. The seeds are pre-growing in the dish. When the crusts become a size of 0, 5, 1 cm, the guy will put them in the mountains. Before the mountain comes up, they're covered with a bag or a film. The air temperature shall be at least 20 °C.

Как выращивать огурцы.
Как выращивать огурцы.
Выращивание огурцов в огороде. Огурцы на даче в огороде
Выращивание огурцов в огороде. Огурцы на даче в огороде
Бизнес идея, выращивание огурцов на продажу.
Бизнес идея, выращивание огурцов на продажу.
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