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Potatoes Landing And Care

In March, midway gardeners are removed from seed potato reservoirs for cultivation. It takes 35 to 40 days to prepare landing material.

Preparing potato landing material

Choose tubers to land better in the fall when harvesting. Potatoes take from the best bites, picking healthy tubers with a chicken egg. The most common mistake, perhaps, is to plant a small potato that does not eat. Thus, harvests are self-destructively degraded, breeding is facilitated, because the actual worst copies are selected, not enough fruit, not sufficiently developed.
It's good to glue the planting tubers in the fall, so we'll leave them on the light for a while so they can be green. Such a potato is safer and rodents don't touch it.

Spring, if the surgeries started to show up, they need to be clouded. If you throw a pity away, try to get a seat. Brisket, dense surgeries are cherished from the eyes and are about 2/3 deep in the dirt boxes. Flushing; you can cover the tape until you're alive, but not necessarily. With one healthy potato, it can be taken twice; for the third time, a growing tuber needs to be landed.

Potatoes are grown in boxes, polyethylene bags with perforation (produced for normal ventilation) and on the floor as conditions permit. It is important that tubers receive sufficient light (in the dark, the stuns will be stretched and weakened) at a temperature between +12 °C and +15 °C. At higher temperatures, growth will accelerate and tubers will rise and weak.
You can grow in opium or cake. To this end, tubers are packed in boxes, baskets and that kind of packaging and overcrowded with dirt evenly wet. It's gonna take about three weeks to get stuns and pancakes on fries.
Sometimes these two ways combine: first, they grow in the light, and then scrutinize in the drawers and slide in the wetted ground, and then last 10 days before landing. The purpose of all these manipulations is to speed up growth, to get friendly and powerful outlets, to make early harvests.

Potato landing

Ways Potato landing Very much, so it's only the most common. The first thing that needs to be taken into account is the harder and heavy soil, the smaller the landing depth. For example, in glinistic soils, potato is placed not deeper than 4 to 5 cm, but in light and respiratory sands and soups, 10 to 12 cm.
The choice of landing method also depends on soil and conditions. On lung soils, as well as in the hot and dry climate, it is better to plant potato under the scapula, in the pits that are made on the flatly treated site, or in the sorcerers. If the soil is raw, dense, warmed late, the potato slices the ridges, raising landing above the soil level.

The distance between the rows when the potatoes are planted is at least 60 to 70 cm. It's necessary, first of all, to take the earth for eclipsing, and secondly, to make the potato light, a culture that is very light-loving, and the smallest tendencies respond to a decline in the harvest. Between plants, 25 to 30 cm in a row.

Potatoes are recommended to make ashes (core fertilizers are desirable from falls). You can instead swell the ash every strawber is separate.

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Посадка картофеля в яму
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Посадка картофеля под соломой
Посадка картофеля. Советы от Андрея Туманова // FORUMHOUSE
Посадка картофеля. Советы от Андрея Туманова // FORUMHOUSE
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