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Good Landing Days

Why do you know the good days for planting plants?

To try to coordinate their work schedule with them. It's not gonna be a big deal if you put something else. However, plants planted according to the table of favourable and unfavourable landing days will be much better developed. They are less at risk of disease and pests. Which means, eventually, it's with them that you'll get not only higher yields, but also higher yields.

Bad days:

As you can see, it's not a lot of days. Other days can be considered neutral. It means that during this period you can plant your plants, plant new plants and plant vegetables and fruit. At such moments, the Moon responds favourably and cannot do anything wrong. The only minus is that you can't hope for a hundred percent high score. That's how lucky it is. Sometimes harvests can yield big fruit, and sometimes not. So it's best to choose the most favourable days, like summer or spring.

Посевной календарь на 2016 год Посевной календарь на 2016 год
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