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Growth Carrots


It's hard to meet someone who doesn't know about the use of carrots. She's given an honorable place on the errands. Corne fruit, his boots and carrots are actively used in culinary, dietology, cosmetology. According to Japanese scientists, their regular use extends life for 6 to 7 years. But are all carrots useful and how is it right to choose and store?

Carrots are believed to be the Mediterranean. In ancient Greeks with Romans, they already knew how to cultivate this vegetable. But the roots weren't immediately tested.Морковь At first, he was raised because of aromatic seeds and leaves.

It's a two-year plant. It gives root in the first year of life. Next year, the seed bush remains. The carrots have a conical or cylindrical form. The quality root is meat, bright orange. His average weight is 150 g and more.

МорковьCarrots unique

The exclusive use of the carrots is based on its richest composition.

The carrots are contained in 100 g (extracting):

  • 34 kcals,
  • Carbon - 9, 3 g
  • Squirrels - 1, 3 g
  • 1, 2 g
  • Pecine - 0, 6 g
  • organic acid - 0, 25 g
  • - 0, 2 g
  • fat - 0, 1 g

The number of minerals per 100 g vegetables is (in order of decline):

  • 200 mg potassium,
  • 55 mg phosphorus
  • 51 mg calcium,
  • 38 mg magic
  • 21 mg sodium,
  • 700 ug of iron,
  • 400 ug zinc
  • 200 ug of manganese,
  • 80 ug copper,
  • 55 ug fluoro,
  • 20 ug molybden,
  • 5 ug iodine,
  • 2 ug cobalt.

Composition of vitamins in 100 g carrots (decrease):

  • 9 mg
  • C (acorbine acid) 5 mg
  • PP (niacin) 1 mg
  • E (tocoferoles) 0, 63 mg
  • B2 (riboflavine) 0, 07 mg
  • B1 (tamin) 0, 06 mg
  • B9 (folic acid) 9 ug.

Useful carrots

МорковьCarrots in an integrated system:

  • antiseptic,
  • painkillers,
  • Greedy,
  • glitter,
  • Inflammatory,
  • charcoal,
  • Anticlerotics

Carrots are good cancer prevention. It reduces pressure and strengthens the immune system.

Thanks to V-Carothin (vitamin A), the carrots reinforce the glazing of the eyes. It is therefore extremely useful in:

  • Intimacy,
  • Blefar.
  • Conjunction,
  • rapid exhaustion,
  • night blindness.
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