Капуста брокколи: фотогалерея

How To Cultivate Broccoli

Обычная брокколиBroccoli's cabbage makes no mistake recommending to mankind the dietologists of the world: this vegetable contains many vitamins, minerals, micronutrients and sugars. Broccoli prevents kidney and atherosclerosis diseases, purifies the organisms from heavy metals and slags, and also protects it from malignant tumours.

How can you not love her or grow her? We invite you to look further at the agrotechnics and the basic rules for broccoli production.

Types of broccoli

Спаржевая брокколиIt is important to know that two main types of broccoli are used as a crop:

regular (so we're used to seeing pictures and shops). For this type of broccoli cabbage, there is a large central nomadic on a fat stalk consisting of tightly adjacent colossoms.
Italian or spark. This species has many thin stacks, each of which ends with small green heads.

Special features of broccoli cabbage to be addressed

  • Broccoli, like any other cabbage, light-loving and moisture.Рассада брокколи Optimal soil humidity for soil cultivation is 70 per cent and air humidity is 85 per cent.
  • Broccoli is better than the colored cabbage, transports heat and freezes, it can withstand the freezes from -4 to -7° C. But the best broccoli is at temperatures between 16 and 20° C.
  • Broccoli has a very rapid increase in lateral runs from pauses, so you don't have to remove the plant from the ground after the central nomadic cut. With side runs, you'll harvest extra yields.
  • Unlike the colored cabbage, the heads of broccoli don't need to be wrapped.
  • The broccoli cabbage grows well on the balcony or the logia.

Формирование головки брокколиBroccoli planting and open landing

Ordinarily, broccoli is grown through sand, but the timeline for her crops is such that there is no need to cure boxes in the home environment, much more efficient than planting seeds at the end of April - early May in his greenhouse. In 30-40 days, when the broccoli has a fifth and sixth real leaflet, it's ready for landing. Open ground

Как вырастить пекинскую капусту
Как вырастить пекинскую капусту
Выращиваем брокколи. Борьба с вредителями капусты брокколи
Выращиваем брокколи. Борьба с вредителями капусты брокколи ...
Выращиваем капусту брокколи. Подкормка рассады.
Выращиваем капусту брокколи. Подкормка рассады.
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