Chinese Cultivation
The Chinese cabbage is cooked as much as other species of this plant. It is desirable that organic fertilizers be filled from the fall, if necessary, also known. In spring, up to 5 kg of overlay per square metre and nitroammophos or mineral mixtures for peri-urban plants calculated to 60 grams per square metre.
The cultivation of Chinese cabbage implies seeds directly into the ground - the plant is very difficult to carry the transplant.
- The seeds are sewn into the pre-prepared team in mid-end April.
- The removal of Chinese cabbage is recommended by series with a distance of not less than 30 cm or 40X30 cm.
- The area where the Chinese cabbage is planned should be sprayed periodically through the syto tree ash. It will prevent an attack on the crops of a cross-coloured flea.
- The whole cabbage will be in a 7-10-day period.
The successful cultivation of Chinese cabbage requires crops, the distance between plants should not be less than 15 to 20 cm, the nest of 1 plant in the nest. All over the period cable cultivation Spray the soil and maintain its purity from the weeds. When the Chinese cabbage reaches the right size, it's taken off the team. The yield at good care may be up to 15 kg from 1 metre square.
In the fall of Chinese cabbage, higher crop yields can be obtained. Settle seeds into the ground are produced at the end of July and early August. Since the weather will normally require systematic spillage during this period.
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