Рассада капусты на капельном


Когда пикировать капусту после всходов. ВидеоIt's hard to imagine a fence without cabbage, because the lucky ones are trying to raise this vegetable in their own precinct. The cabbage may be ranspel, medium-speed and late. Depending on the timing of the ripeness, it is raised by a disgrace and reckless method. If you've decided to plant the seeds of the cabbage and get your homework, you'll have to figure out when and when. It's like picking a cabbage. After all. If we're following up on our recommendations, you've got your hands off. grow a good harvest.

Cable seeds

Pictures are conveniently short if the seeds are right. To do that, they take drawers, they put up the prepared land and make the boreholes 1 cm deep. The distance between the boreholes is left by 3 cm.Пикировку удобно проводить, если сразу правильно посеять семена. Для этого берут ящики, в них засыпают подготовленную землю и делают бороздки глубиной 1 см. Расстояние между бороздками оставляйте около 3 см. Sit down the seeds and put the ground on top, and after a small layer of sand, don't make a crust after the spill. Boxes close the glass and leave it in a room where the temperature does not fall below 25 degrees. In such circumstances, the exits must appear fast enough. If you're good, you'll have to repeat the tidal.

One week later, the first steps must appear, so the circumstances of the withdrawal will have to be changed. For a couple of days, lower the temperature to 8-16 degrees, move the drawers to a cooler room. In this phase, pour the cabbage with a manganese solution, divorce 5 g per litre of water. I want you to increase the lighting level of the villagers so that the leaflets don't stick. Make sure there's no cross-coloured blobe that damages the dissound of cabbage. To prevent insecticides, put your ass on.

Огородники часто используют слово «пикировка» при пересадке всходов. Этот процесс подразумевает высадку сеянцев из общей емкости в отдельные. В результате каждое маленькое растение получает свой собственный горшокWhat's a pickup?

The gardeners often use the word " opique " when moving out. This process involves the removal of seeds from total capacity to individual. As a result, each small plant receives its own peas for full development and growth. When I pick up cabbages? It's like there's only one or two leaflets, you can start picting. That's what ordinary pots or plastic cups are for.

What's the pickup? Picture will help reinforce roots, improve the table of disembarkation. As plants grow, they take valuable nutrients from the ground, so peaking will help to update the composition of the land and every seed will have all the most necessary circumstances for growth. It's like the cable's dissolved is fragile, the picture only takes place once.

See also:
  • Keamanan akses selalu terjaga di erinlindseyimages.com di indonesia dengan teknologi terbaik.
Здоровая рассада капусты. Профилактика и лечение.
Здоровая рассада капусты. Профилактика и лечение.
Высадка рассады капусты, часть 2
Высадка рассады капусты, часть 2
посадка рассады капусты брюссельской в грунт
посадка рассады капусты брюссельской в грунт
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