Рассада в торфяных таблетках

Video Cultivation

рассада петунииPetunia is the favourite plant of many lucky and flower breeds. Her bright, beautiful flowers can't keep an eye. She's got clums and balconies and teras. She feels good both in the open soil and in the underwear. A lot of starters are wondering how to raise the dissection of seeds in domestic settings (see video)?

It should be noted at once that this process requires some knowledge and skills, but it is not complicated. Everyone, even a starter, is capable of making their desires real.

условия выращивания рассады петунииWhen do we plant the seeds of the racing?

Seeds need to be purchased before growing. They exist in two forms:

  • in the sand,
  • Granals.

The main benefits of the scattered form of seeds are that they can be assessed visually (quality) and cost less. The seeds of the loop on the scatter make this process much easier because they are large and easier to manage. In addition, granulated planting material provides better quality. But it's worth a lot more than that.

как вырастить рассаду петунии из семян в домашних условиях видеоThe experimental handicrafts shall determine such time limits for the scattering of the petition:

  • February - if there is room for special additional lighting,
  • March, using only natural sunlight.

It's because the rotusion is a secular plant, and its little sharks are very in need of good lighting.

In order to make a good, correct scatter, special attention must be paid to the selection of the packaging in which it will be evicted. The fact is that the growth of this plant is very fond of the greenhouse effect and well developed under such conditions. It is therefore necessary to find low broad drawers that would be covered from the top. Plastic containers from products with transparent lids will be suitable for this. If they don't, you can use glass or polyethylene film.

когда сеять семена петунии на рассаду сроки посева петунии на рассаду
Выращивание кукурузы рассадой
Выращивание кукурузы рассадой
Батат выращивание рассады - как вырастить Батат
Батат выращивание рассады - как вырастить Батат
Выращивание рассады перца в домашних условиях - Как
Выращивание рассады перца в домашних условиях - Как ...
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