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Shadow Flowers For Home

Light is an important factor in the development of room plants, only through plants, photosynthesis is needed for growth. All plants have different sensitivity to the light, they can be divided into light, dark and tender.

If you want to green a room with windows on the north side, wallowed with trees, buildings, or make a green corner in a corridor where no windows and light penetrates only through the next rooms, you must carefully choose plants with the ability to shift the defect of sunlight. Room plants not adapted to weak lighting will soon lose the decorative species, their escapes will grow weak, stretched, with small pale leaves, the lower leaves will become yellow and fall.

The brightest lighting of the room plants is on the south-south window without slurting. However, the long-term intensive sun rays may not be far from all plants, but mainly those that in nature grow under a bright hot sun, for example, cactus and succulent plants, abutylon, Bougainville, geran, hybiscus

In a brightly ill place, many light-loving colours cannot be raised, and hot sunlights on their leaves can produce burns in the form of light or brown stains, and at noon they will often come in. Therefore, the bulk of the room plants prefer light windows in which the sun looks from time to time is windows with the west or east, where only evening or morning sunlights fall. This lighting is best suited to room flourishing plants that are well equipped with flower kidneys under sunlights or for decoratively littered plants that need adequate lighting to preserve the colour of leaves, including most pests. This group may include: whiterone, zebrina, tradezcany, capsicum, codeium, codium, ballamine, nerter, punctia, Uzamba fialku (senpolia), pastries, sandstrolistic ficuses, chlorophythium, hay and chrysanthem.

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