All About Cabbage
Carbon 4, 68 g
Food fibers 2, 01 g
Organic acids 0, 3 g
Mono and Disaharides 4, 61 grams
Krichmal 0, 1 g
Cable vitaminsBeta-carothin 0, 02 mg B1 (timine) 0, 03 mg B2 (riboflavin) 0, 042 mg B5 (patent) 0, 21 mg B6 (pyridox) 0, 1 mg B9 (folium) 11 ug H (biotine) 0, 101 ug K (Fillohinon) 75 ug PP (Niacine equivalent) 0, 91 mg | |
MacroelementsCalcium 48, 2 mg | MicrowavesMarganese 0, 16 mg Molybden 9, 8 ug Cobalt 3, 234 ug Aluminium 568 ug |
Calorium is 28 kKal.
Use of white cabbage |
Cabbage is a unique product, and it has a vast array of health-friendly substances and vitamins. It's no secret for anyone that our organism is a complex “perform” that works uninterruptedly, and if it breaks a certain ratio of organic and inorganic substances, it may be a malfunction. Therefore, in order to maintain balance, we try to feed properly and diversifiedly to provide our body with a vitally needed set of components. So, she's, like anyone else, a great assistant to us, because she doesn't need special treatment and preparation, she's always available and enjoyable taste.
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