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Home-Based Tomato Breeding

Как вырастить рассаду перца и помидоров в домашних у словияхIn principle, tomatoes and peppers are almost identical. And peppers and tomatoes are warm-up, well-growing in nutrient soil, not droughts, well-recognized in feeding. But there are significant differences. Displacement care and They should Remember.

The pepper spray. So he only suspects the peppers in the greenhouse, on the open ground, only under the tape. In the middle lane without film, he's only a particularly hot summer. The peppers are very demanding in soil: they must be configured by a compost, a peat, a meltdown with complete minerals.

Perez is a plant with a long maturity period (150 to 200 days) so the peppers grow in the middle lane only by draught. The seeds of the peppers are very tight, the outlets appear on the 12th to 18th day if the seeds are not prepared for crops. Prepared seeds (as will be explained below) come to the seventh to eighth day. The root system is superficial at the peppers, so it requires frequent and heavy bays. Because the roots of the pepper are close to the surface of the soil and weak, they are easily ruptured, so the peppers should be raised at a stack without a peak (moving from a small receptacle to a large).

A particularly frequent flower requires peppers during colouring, when soil and air are extinguished, flowers and blindfolds may be dangerous. Pepper leaves and stalks are fragile, fractures, so special care should be observed in caring for plants and harvesting. The colours of the pepper are located in a single or bouquet of branches, and therefore they are not flavoured or cut. The pepper spray plant, i.e. the flower is sprayed with its own and other dust, possibly screaming. That is why, in no case, the peppers can be stacked near, or even next to, the peppers are sweet and burnt, and the sweet peppers will burn like fire.

Pepper doesn't like overheating, especially heat heat. The heat overheating of the peppers obliterate the ugly fruit, and if the pepper is still wet, the dust may die and the flowers will not be tied. The temperature where the peppers are planted needs to be kept alive, but remember that, unlike tomatoes, the peppers don't carry through. One pepper heater and tomatoes can't be planted. The warmest neighbor of the pepper is the cucumber.

Выращивание рассады в Сибирских условиях
Выращивание рассады в Сибирских условиях
выращивание рассады помидор в домашних условиях
выращивание рассады помидор в домашних условиях ...
Афеландра, выращивание в домашних условиях
Афеландра, выращивание в домашних условиях
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