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Solo Potato

Our grandparents also knew this way of growing potatoes. They planted potato in the pit or the sorcerer and shut down the straw, at that time there was nowhere to go. No falls, no spring plots, but they're only equal. Since February, they've been housed on a floor of tubers to grow. They were marked by strong short surges.

Right after Easter, people went to the field seven, put tubers in the rows. They were followed by snoops, scrambled them and stripped them of straw, stalks forward, first row on the edge of the site. Then the next snoop was scattered on this strip, but the stalks were cross-sectional, and three to four times. After that, the following strip was formed in the same order until it reached the opposite end.

When the straw surface reached 15 to 20 cm, the stack of the stick was carefully stacked so that the salt would not blow up the wind until the green booth came up. I mean, there's a flaw, the botwa comes up a week or so later than people on a pop field, but they've often been missing potatoes, and with this broken way, they can forget the potatoes before the fall. 'Cause weeds can't get to the light through a fat, tight layer. And no matter how hot the summer is, under the straw cover is always wet. The non-vascular soil has always been vocal, but it was treated with rain worms!

In the fall, when the harvest time of the solo potato came, only the granites were taken. There were strawberries in the hard land, but in a summer straw. Apparently, that's why there was no wire in them.

Tubers are one in one, five to seven in the bushes. They robbed the robbers where the straw was completely black, they threw clean healthy potatoes out!

If there's a mouse on the precinct, it's no use. I wonder if this time, in small town gardens, is a broken way to justify itself?

Modern potato in straw

Contemporary gardeners say that potato can be grown in a straw - milk, easier and easier. Eggs of every 10 square metres may be obtained in 100 kg of crowns, with no shelves, special feeds and oxidation

картошка в соломе!
картошка в соломе!
Картофель под соломой в Сибири. 2012 год.
Картофель под соломой в Сибири. 2012 год.
Картофель в ящиках под соломой. 2. Сбор урожая // Potato
Картофель в ящиках под соломой. 2. Сбор урожая // Potato ...
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